I find almost all geology interesting and that probably explains the variation in my research activities. The main interests throughout the years have been and still is geochronology, metamorphic petrology and mineralogy. I did my phd-thesis work in the Scandinavian Caledonides. The thesis (1986) included papers on geochemistry, metamorphic petrology, structural geology and geochronology. Thereafter, research have mainly been focussed on geochronology and petrology problems in the high grade gneiss terrain in SW Sweden.
In 2007 a new project started in collaboration with the carbonate rock industry. The aim of the four year project was to minimize production losses during calcination of limestone and dolomite and thereby the emission of CO2, other gasses and particles. I have also participated in an inspiring collaboration initiated by a microbiologist on the interaction between biota and minerals. If time permits and opportunities are given I would like to do more work on geosphere-biosphere interactions and environmental related geology.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Zircon Microstructures in Large, Deeply Eroded Impact Structures and Terrestrial Seismites
Adam A. Garde, Leif Johansson, Nynke Keulen, Anja Schreiber, Richard Wirth
(2023) Journal of Petrology, 64
Journal articleA Late Paleocene age for Greenland's Hiawatha impact structure
Gavin G. Kenny, William R. Hyde, Michael Storey, Adam A. Garde, Martin J. Whitehouse, et al.
(2022) Science Advances, 8
Journal articleGeofysiker, drönare och geologer ger tillsammans en bättre bild av berget
Peter Jonsson, Leif Johansson, Sara Johansson, Per-Ivar Olsson, Torleif Dahlin
(2019) Bygg & teknik , p.52-55
Journal articleTredimensionell bergundersökning med geoelektriska och geologiska metoder
Peter Jonsson, Leif Johansson, Sara Johansson, Per-Ivar Olsson, Torleif Dahlin
(2019) BeFo Rapporter
ReportThe eastern boundary of Sveconorwegian reworking in the Baltic Shield,defined by 40Ar/39Ar geochronology across the southernmost Sveconorwegian Province
Jan Ulmius, Charlotte Möller, Laurence Page, Leif Johansson, Morgan Ganerød
(2018) Precambrian Research, 307 p.201-217
Journal articleBeFo 382 - Detailed Comparison Study of 3D-characterized Rock Mass and Geophysical Models
Per-Ivar Olsson, Peter Jonsson, Sara Johansson, Leif Johansson
(2017) Near Surface Geoscience 2017 - 23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Conference paperJord : mylla, mark och makt
Roland von Bothmer, Eivor Bucht, Urban Emanuelsson, Torbjörn Fagerström, Jonas Frykman, et al.
BookGroundwater table fluctuations recorded in zonation of microbial siderites from end-Triassic strata
R. Weibel, S. Lindström, G. K. Pedersen, Leif Johansson, K. Dybkjær, et al.
(2016) Sedimentary Geology, 342 p.45-65
Journal articleIntense and widespread seismicity during the end-Triassic mass extinction due to emplacement of a large igneous province
Sofie Lindstrom, Gunver Krarup Pedersen, Bas van de Schootbrugge, Katrine Hovedskov Hansen, Natascha Kuhlmann, et al.
(2015) Geology, 43 p.387-390
Journal articlePartial melting in amphibolites in a deep section of the Sveconorwegian Orogen, SW Sweden
Edward Hansen, Leif Johansson, Jenny Andersson, Leah LaBarge, Daniel Harlov, et al.
(2015) Lithos, 236 p.27-45
Journal articleSoil fungi appear to have a retarding rather than a stimulating role on soil apatite weathering
Mark Smits, Leif Johansson, Håkan Wallander
(2014) Plant and Soil, 385 p.217-228
Journal articleThe Finnefjeld domain, Maniitsoq structure, West Greenland: Differential rheological features and mechanical homogenisation in response to impacting?
Adam A. Garde, Brendan Dyck, Kim H. Esbensen, Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller
(2014) Precambrian Research, 255 p.791-808
Journal articleLocalized, solid-state dehydration associated with the Varberg charnockite intrusion, SW Sweden
Daniel E. Harlov, Alfons van den Kerkhof, Leif Johansson
(2014) Precambrian Research, 253 p.50-62
Journal articleHigh-grade localized metasomatic alteration of the granitic gneiss surrounding a clinopyroxene-rich pegmatoid dyke: Sondrum stenhuggeriet, Halmstad, SW Sweden
D. E. Harlov, A. Van Den Kerkhof, Leif Johansson
(2014) Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32 p.389-416
Journal articleThe Varberg-Torpa Charnockite-Granite Association, SW Sweden: Mineralogy, Petrology, and Fluid Inclusion Chemistry
Daniel E. Harlov, Alfons Van Den Kerkhof, Leif Johansson
(2013) Journal of Petrology, 54 p.3-40
Journal articleMesozoic rift magmatism in the North Sea region: Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology of Scanian basalts and geochemical constraints
Ingemar Bergelin, Karsten Obst, Ulf Söderlund, Kent Larsson, Leif Johansson
(2011) International Journal of Earth Sciences, 100 p.787-804
Journal articleEctomycorrhizal weathering, evidence from the field?
Mark Smits, Håkan Wallander, Leif Johansson
(2010) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 p.973-973
Conference paper: abstractMagmatism and metamorphism in the middle-lower crust, SW Sweden
Daniel Harlov, Alfons van den Kerkhof, Edward Hansen, Leif Johansson
(2009) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 p.495-495
Conference paper: abstractDetermination of magnetic properties of rocks by analysis of demagnetization curves: Hematite-ilmenite bearing rocks from SW Sweden
Erik Eneroth, Leif Johansson
(2008) Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 p.24-02101
Journal articleLocalised fluid-induced, solid state dehydration in the lower crust: CO2-rich fluids vs. concentrated brines
D. E. Harlov, A van den Kerkhof, Leif Johansson
(2008) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72 p.354-354
Conference paper: abstractThe Kullaberg peninsula – a glimpse of the Proterozoic evolution of SW Fennoscandia
Ulf Söderlund, Christine Karlsson, Leif Johansson, Kent Larsson
(2008) GFF, 130 p.1-10
Journal articleBrittle fracturing and fracture healing of zircon: An integrated cathodoluminescence, EBSD, U-Th-Pb, and REE study
Andrius Rimsa, Nij. Whitehouse, Leif Johansson, S. Piazolo
(2007) American Mineralogist, 92 p.1213-1224
Journal articleConstraints on incipient charnockite formation from zircon geochronology and rare earth element characteristics
Andrius Rimsa, Leif Johansson, M. J. Whitehouse
(2007) Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 154 p.357-369
Journal articlePetrogenesis of ultramafic and mafic xenoliths from Mesozoic basanites in southern Sweden: constraints from mineral chemistry
Tatjana Rehfeldt, Karsten Obst, Leif Johansson
(2007) International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96 p.433-450
Journal articleAdvanced in situ geochronological and trace element microanalysis by laser ablation techniques
Dirk Frei, Julie A. Hollis, Axel Gerdes, Dan Harlov, Christine Karlsson, et al.
(2006) Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin, 10 p.25-28
Journal articleProvenance of Late Ordovician clastic sedimentary rocks in Jämtland, central Sweden
Peter Dahlqvist, Leif Johansson, Ulf Söderlund
(2006) GFF, 128 p.311-320
Journal articleThe role of advective fluid flow and diffusion during localized, solid-state dehydration: Sondrum Stenhuggeriet, Halmstad, SW Sweden
DE Harlov, Leif Johansson, A Van Den Kerkhof, HJ Forster
(2006) Journal of Petrology, 47 p.3-33
Journal article reviewPermo-Carboniferous extension related magmatism at the SW margin of the Fennoscandian Shield
Karsten Obst, Zoltan Solyom, Leif Johansson
(2004) Geological Society of London Special publications, 223 p.259-288
Journal articleElemental composition of ectomycorrhizal mycelia identified by PCR-RFLP analysis and grown in contact with apatite or wood ash in forest soil
Håkan Wallander, Shahid Mahmood, David Hagerberg, Leif Johansson, Jan Pallon
(2003) FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 44 p.57-65
Journal articlePIXE analysis to estimate the elemental composition of ectomycorrhizal rhizomorphs grown in contact with different minerals in forest soil
Håkan Wallander, Leif Johansson, Jan Pallon
(2002) FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 39 p.147-156
Journal articleA simple way to extract baddeleyite (ZrO2)
Ulf Söderlund, Leif Johansson
(2002) Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 3 p.1-7
Journal articleZircon geochronology of migmatite gneisses along the Mylonite Zone (S Sweden): a major Sveconorwegian terrane boundary in the Baltic Shield
Jenny Andersson, Charlotte Möller, Leif Johansson
(2002) Precambrian Research, 114 p.121-147
Journal articleZircon geochronology in polymetamorphic gneisses in the Sveconorwegian orogen, SW Sweden: ion microprobe evidence for 1.46-1.42 and 0.98-0.96 Ga reworking
Ulf Söderlund, Charlotte Möller, Jenny Andersson, Leif Johansson, M Whitehouse
(2002) Precambrian Research, 113 p.193-225
Journal articleReply to discussion on " Sveconorwegian (Grenvillian) deformation, metamorphism and leucosome formation in SW Sweden, SW Baltic Shield: constraints from a Mesoproterozoic granite intrusion
Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund, David Cornell, Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller
(2001) Precambrian Research, 106 p.333-337
Journal articleGeochronology of eclogite facies metamorphism in the Sveconorwegian Province of SW Sweden
Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller, Ulf Söderlund
(2001) Precambrian Research, 106 p.261-275
Journal articleSveconorwegian (-Grenvillian) deformation, metamorphism and leucosome formation in SW Sweden, SW Baltic Shield: constraints from a Mesoproterozoic granite intrusion
Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund, David Cornell, Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller
(1999) Precambrian Research, 98 p.151-171
Journal articleU-Pb and Sm-Nd dating of high-pressure granulite- and upper amphibolite facies rocks from SW Sweden
Xiang.Dong Wang, Ulf Söderlund, Anders Lindh, Leif Johansson
(1998) Precambrian Research, 92 p.319-339
Journal articleA mineralogical and synchrotron X-ray rietveld study of dark-clouded plagioclase from Bjärnum. southern Sweden
Benyam Estifanos, Leif Johansson, Kenny Ståhl, Thomas Wroblewski
(1998) GFF, 120 p.337-340
Journal articleA PIXE study of clouded plagioclase from southern Sweden
Benyam Estifanos, Changui Yang, Leif Johansson
(1997) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 129 p.83-91
Journal articleA Sveconorwegian zone (system?) within the Eastern Segment, Sveconorwegian orogen of SW Sweden - a first report
Charlotte Möller, Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund, Leif Johansson
(1997) GFF, 119 p.73-78
Journal articleA mineralogical and structural study of red corundum, Al1.98Cr.02O3 from Froland, Norway
Benyam Estifanos, Kenny Ståhl, Per-Gunnar Andréasson, Göran Bylund, Leif Johansson
(1997) Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 77 p.119-122
Journal articleSouthwest-Swedish Granulite Region
Charlotte Möller, Leif Johansson, Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund
(1996) European Journal of Mineralogy, 8 p.1-41
Journal article reviewInterpreting the history of the southern part of the Eastern Segment, the Sveconorwegian Orogen of SW Sweden: a discussion
Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller, Ulf Söderlund, Anders Lindh, Xiang-Dong Wang
(1996) GFF, 118 p.187-192
Journal article40Ar/39Ar geochronology across the Mylonite Zone and the Southwester Granulite Province in the Sveconorwegian Orogen of S Sweden
Laurence Page, Charlotte Möller, Leif Johansson
(1996) Precambrian Research, 79 p.239-259
Journal articleMicrocharacterizing zircon mineral grain bry ionoluminescence combined with PIXE
Changui Yang, N.P.O. Homman, Leif Johansson, Klas Malmqvist
(1994) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 85 p.808-814
Journal articleU-Pb age of titanite in the Mylonite Zone, Southwestern Sweden
Leif Johansson, Åke Johansson
(1993) GFF, 115 p.1-7
Journal articleLate Sveconorwegian metamorphism and deformation in southwestern Sweden
Leif Johansson, Lars Kullerud
(1993) Precambrian Research, 64 p.347-360
Journal articleTha age and regional correlation of the Svecofennian Geitfjell granite, Vestranden, Norway
Leif Johansson, Hans Schöberg, Soltan Zolyom
(1993) Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 73 p.133-143
Journal articlePlagioclase clouding in mafic intrusions along the Protogine Zone in southern Sweden
Leif Johansson
(1992) GFF, 114 p.353-358
Conference paperThe late-Sveconorwegian metamorphic discontinuity across the Protogine Zone
Leif Johansson
(1992) GFF, 114 p.350-353
Conference paperA late Sveconorwegian granulite-facies metamorphic event in SW Scandinavia
Anders Lindh, Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller
(1990) GFF, 112 p.297-298
Conference paperIsotope geochemistry and age relationships of mafic intrusions along the Protogine Zone, southern Sweden
Leif Johansson, Åke Johansson
(1990) Precambrian Research, 48 p.395-414
Journal articleAn occurrence of the Gula Nappe in the Western Gneiss Region, central Scandinavian Caledonides
Leif Johansson, Per-Gunnar Andréasson, Hans Schöberg
(1987) Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 67 p.85-92
Journal articleThe Snåsa Mega -lens, west-central Scandinavian Caledonides
Per-Gunnar Andréasson, Leif Johansson
(1983) GFF, 104 p.305-326
Journal articlePetrochemistry and regional tectonic significance of metabasites in basement windows of the central Scandinavian Caledonides
Leif Johansson
(1980) GFF , p.499-514
Journal article