Lund Luminescence Day 2025 (LLD25)
Welcome to a day about luminescence dating and dosimetry!
Due to a combination of reasons we unfortunately have to postpone the LLD25 to May 9 instead of January 16. The programme will be the same and can be found below. Please note that it will be possible to join the talks in the morning online if you cannot come to Lund.
Hosted by the Lund University Luminescence centre for Dating and Dosimetry (Department of Geology in Lund, and Medical Radiation Physics in Malmö), we aim to introduce participants to luminescence dating and dosimetry. With a full day of talks, discussions and demonstrations, we’ll focus on the role of luminescence in archaeology, geology, medicine, environmental studies and forensics.
Attendance is FREE, but advance sign up is essential.
Registration link will be available shortly
LLD is a whole day event, however it is split into two sessions (morning: talks, and afternoon: lab visits, demonstrations, discussions), and you are very welcome to join us for just one session if you prefer. The morning talks will also be available online through Zoom. See programme at:
Please don’t hesitate to be in contact with us should you have any questions: luminescence [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (luminescence[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Looking forward to seeing you there!
The Organising Committee
Amber Hood, Christian Bernhardsson, Helena Alexanderson, Maria Karampiperi, Zoran Perić
Lund Luminescence Day Programme 9 May 2025
Venue: Atmosfären, Department of Geology, Lund + online 9.00-12.15 (presentations)
08.45 – 09.00 Registration and welcome
09.00 – 09.30 Basics of luminescence (talks & questions)
- Luminescence in dosimetry (Christian)
- Luminescence in dating (Helena)
09.30 – 10.00 Applications (talks & questions)
- Luminescence dosimetry in medical applications (Christian)
- Portable reader for emergency dosimetry (Maria)
10.00 – 10.15 Fika
10.15 – 11.30 Applications, continued (talks & questions)
- Reconstructing environmental dose rates (Amber & Christian)
- Using luminescence profiling in archaeological settings (Amber)
- Luminescence dating in palaeoclimatic reconstruction (Zoran)
- Luminescence for sediment provenance and processes (Helena)
Questions, leg stretcher
11.45 – 12.15 Invited lecture (online)
- Infrared radiofluorescence: technique and application (Sebastian Kreutzer, Heidelberg University)
12.15 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 16.00 Lab visits, demonstrations, discussions, posters/papers, fika
Demonstrations: ceramic sampling, create your own OSL dosimeter, personal dosimeters, gamma spectrometry, sediment sampling, portable OSL reader