Re-exams are generally offered 5-7 weeks after the regular exam. Around the start of the semester there is also a general "catch-up" re-exam.
NB! Sign up for re-exams must be done well in advance. For the general re-exam in August registration you must sign up at the latest 15 June and for the general re-exam in January at the latest 15 December.
For other re-exams you have to sign up at least a week in advance before the exam date.
Sign up is done by sending an e-mail to studieadmin [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: Re-examination, body: Name%3A%0APersonal%20number%3A%0ACourse%20%28course%20code%29%3A%0ACourse%20module%20%28when%20the%20course%20has%20several%20exams%29%3A%0AExam%20date%3A) (studieadmin[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se) and should contain the following information:
* Name
* Personal number
* Course (course code)
* Course module (when the course has several exams)
* Exam date
Remember to bring a valid ID card to be able to write the exam!
Coming exams
To see all coming exams at the Department of Geology, go to the following schedule on TimeEdit:
Re-examination registration
Contact studieadmin [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (studieadmin[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)