PhD-course in Hydrogeological Conceptual Models for Groundwater Use and Protection. Characterisation methods and scaling considerations, 4.5 credits
When: 15-31 of March 2023
Where: Department of Geology, Lund University, Sweden
The presentation and analysis of measurements and synthesis is relevant to designing robust 3D monitoring networks for evaluation of risks, and performance assessments for remediation and resource protection. Hydrogeological conceptual models are essential for forecasting sustainable groundwater use and protection outcomes, and the course will focus on characterization methods and scaling considerations.
Course contents:
- Introduction of groundwater as a key component of the hydrologic cycle, its role in critical ecosystem and geosystem services, and current societal challenges.
- Gravitational flow system behavior, estimating recharge and discharge, and their spatio-temporal variability at multiple scales.
- Fluid potential concepts and measurement methods.
- Introduction to high-resolution borehole methods including sensors for monitoring with hands-on experience at nearby research site(s).
- Introduction to surface and airborne geophysical methods.
- Role of aquitards and methods for delineation and characterization.
- Hydraulic response data analysis methods; ambient and forced-gradient testing and analysis for parameters estimation.
- Influence of subsurface variability in distinct (hydro)geologic environments affecting flow system characteristics and methods for characterization and monitoring.
- Introduction and application of tracer methods in hydrogeology: atmospheric derived tracers (3H/3He, CFCs), geogenic tracers (4He, U, Th, Sr isotopes) and point and non-point source contaminants.
- The role of flow system understanding for predicting transport and fate of contaminants to assess risks and remediation needs for water resource protection.
Teaching consists of lectures, field exercises and desktop (data analysis) exercises, as well as seminars, discussions, and project work. It is compulsory to participate in exercises and field exercises as well as seminars, discussions, project work and associated elements. The assessment is based on a written project report and oral seminars and through participation in compulsory components.
Course plan (pdf,new tab)
The course is on campus and given in English. Digital participation could be possible in parts of the course, but not guaranteed. Field work is obligatory at site. Basic hydrogeology education at the master’s level corresponding to 15-30 credits or corresponding knowledge from working experiences. The course is free of charge and students from the Universities with participating lecturers are given priority (maximum 30 participating students). Food and accommodation are not included.
Please send you application no later than 16th of February 2023 to studieadmin [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: NGE006F%20Application) (studieadmin[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se) with the subject “NGE006F Application”.
In the application mail you need to give following information: Name, University, e-mail address, address and main supervisor and their contact details + evidence of 15-30 credits or corresponding knowledge from working experiences.
For accommodation in Lund and the surrounding area the following options are possible for a relatively low cost:
1. Winstrup Hostel, Lund:
There are rooms available from the 17th of Mars-4th of April and you can have a discount of 15% on the room price with the coupon code “Granite23”. The code works for the following rooms and will give the following price;
- Dormitory, mixed or women only; 382.50 SEK/person/night
- 2-bed private room (1 or 2 persons; 590.75 SEK/night
More info and booking at:
2. Good Morning Hotels Lund, there are rooms from ca 659 SEK/night:
3. LU Guest house – ca 659 kr/night for single room. See:
4. Outside Lund, 15 min by train to Malmö, cheaper accommodation at a hostel can be found: