Two days of field method demonstration and an afternoon of lectures about FLUTe-liner technology methods
Lund University and the Department of Geology at the Science faculty now offers two days of field method demonstration and an afternoon of lectures about FLUTe-liner technology methods, in cooperation with the G360 group at University of Guelph, open to consultants, authorities, entrepreneurs and others who might be interested.
1st field demonstration will focus on Multi Level Systems (MLS) including a new G360 Muilti-port System (G360MPS) and Continuous Multichannel Tubing (CMT) MLS, including options for monitoring and groundwater sampling. We will go through different pump systems for sampling such as double valve pumps (DVP), bladder pumps, Waterra pumps (manual and motor driven) and peristaltic pumps. Also we will look at options for manual water level measurements in small diameter monitoring tubes and transducer monitoring options and field measurements with multiparameter probes + flow cells during groundwater sampling. The site is a former dry cleaner contaminated with PCE and related chlorinated solvents.
When and where: 17th of March at Kvarteret Räven in Helsingborg, 8.00-17.00 (departure and ca arrival in Lund). Price to participate 1900 SEK per person.
2nd field demonstration and an afternoon of lectures will focus on FLUTe-liner uses, demonstrating the retrieving of the FLUTe and transducer strings and re-deployment of the FLUTe as well as how to obtain a crude T-profile downhole by maintaining a constant head. Patrik Nilsson of Rosmarus Enviro a licensed provider of FLUTe services will also be present to describe other measurements that can be performed with FLUTe liners, including more rigorous T-profiling and also collecting a reverse head profile (RHP) during liner removal.
When and where: 27th of March 13.00-16.15 lectures and 28th of March 8.00-17.00 at LU training site in Revinge, (8.00 departure and ca 17.00 arrival in Lund). Price to participate 3500 SEK per person.
Participation both days 5000 SEK per person.
The two field demonstrations are also part of an advanced 3-week PhD-course on Hydrogeological Conceptual Models for Groundwater Use and Protection, Characterisation methods and scaling considerations, 4.5 credits. The demonstrations are therefore given in English. Food and accommodation are not included. We depart with bus from Lund both days at 8.00. Number of participants are limited and on a first come, first served basis.
Please register no later than 24th of February 2023 to: studieadmin [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se
With the subject “Field demo MLS" for the demo the 17th of March, "Field demo/lecture FLUTe" for the lecture the 27th and the demo the 28th and "Double Demo" for both.
Course responsible are Prof. Beth Parker and Ass. Prof. Charlotte Sparrenbom.
For more information, contact charlotte [dot] sparrenbom [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se