Mosasaur Meeting V
Abstract volume
The abstact volume is avalable for download here
Third Circular
5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting – a global perspective on Mesozoic marine amniotes
Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
May 16–20, 2016
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting ( is now less than two months away and it is time to update you with some meeting details. Please note that the registration and abstract deadline is April 15!
We are honoured to be hosting the meeting and look forward to the opportunity to showcase our local and regional natural and cultural history. There is also the pleasure to share our diverse research collection of marine vertebrate fossils, dating from the Late Permian through to Late Cretaceous.
Key dates
- Registration and abstract deadline – April 15
- Hotel bookings cut-off – May 1
- Meeting begins – May 16
- Proceedings manuscripts deadline – September 1
Schedule and meeting details
- Kick-off reception – evening of May 16
- Presentations & poster session – May 17, 18 and 19
- Banquet – evening of May 19
- Cultural field trip – May 20
Meeting location
The meeting will be held at the Museum of Evolution (Palaeontology and Mineralogy building) on Norbyvägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala (Map 1). Registration, coffee breaks and poster session will take place in the galleries and at the entrance on the first and second floor, respectively, whereas the technical sessions will be held in the historical lecture room (“Wiman theatre”) on the first floor. When you enter the building, take the stairs on your left to the first floor. Please visit the museum website for additional information (
For those planning to drive to the meeting there is pay parking next to the museum for 50 SEK/day. Free parking can be found in the surrounding suburbs providing they are not marked “residential only”.
A kick-off reception and icebreaker party will be held at the Museum of Evolution beginning at 18:30 and ending at 21:00 on May 16. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served.
Please note that the schedule is tentative – a detailed schedule of talks will be provided once all the abstracts are in.
May 17
- 8:30 Registration opens
- 10:30 Begin technical sessions
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Technical sessions and coffee break
- 17:00 Adjourn
May 18
- 10:00 Poster session
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Technical sessions and coffee break
- 17:00 Adjourn
May 19
- 9:00 Technical sessions and coffee break
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Technical sessions and coffee break
- 17:00 Adjourn
Oral presentations will be approximately 20 minutes in length (depending on the number of abstracts we receive) and should be provided the morning of your presentation as a Power Point file. A computer will be available, but the presenter may use their own computer if that is preferred. The projector will support a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels, so please plan accordingly. If you need other technical facilities, please email Johan Lindgren (johan [dot] lindgren [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se) to discuss your needs.
Space will be available for posters and they will be displayed for the duration of the technical sessions. Posters should not exceed 90 × 120 cm (landscape or portrait is optional). Materials for hanging posters will be available but bring personal equipment should you have special requirements. Please also be sure to indicate if you are requesting a poster or an oral presentation when you register (please see details below).
The deadline for the abstract submission is April 15 2016. An abstract volume will be compiled and available to meeting participants. Following the meeting, the abstract volume will be available as a pdf download. Abstracts are limited to a single page (A4 size) including title, author(s), author affiliations, the main body of the abstract, and references. The abstracts should be provided as Microsoft Word format, single spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, and should not include images. Titles should be capitalized, author and co-author names should be written in full, surname first, and affiliations indicated by superscript numerically. Abstract titles with authorship will be made available on the meeting website. The abstract text will be embargoed until the meeting begins. The abstracts should be submitted by email to Sven Sachs (sachs [dot] pal [at] gmail [dot] com).
Conference proceedings
There will be a symposium volume published as a special issue of the Australasian palaeontological journal Alcheringa and it is tentatively planned for 2017. Author instructions can be downloaded at
The 2016 field trip will be cultural due to a lack of Mesozoic strata in the vicinity of Uppsala and the fact that we are in ‘Viking land’ :-) It will start at about 10 am on May 20 outside of Akademihotellet (Map 2). From there, we will go to “Gamla Uppsala Museum”, one of Scandinavia’s most noteworthy cultural environments. We will look at finds from archaeological digs and Viking burial mounds, and we will also eat lunch there. Our next stop will be “Uppsala domkyrka” where we will have a look at the holotype of Homo sapiens. Next to it is “Museum Gustavianum”; the museum is housed in Uppsala University’s oldest preserved building with the anatomical theatre on the roof. Exhibited at the museum are, among other things, discoveries from the Viking period, and in the garden you will find a collection of local runestones.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are planning to attend the field trip so that we can finalise the transportation rentals. Lunch will be provided.
Collection visits
There will be an opportunity to study collections at the Museum of Evolution both before and after the scheduled meeting dates. The Museum of Evolution houses many historically important marine vertebrate fossils including the holotype of Eonatator sternbergi and the Svalbard collection of Triassic marine reptiles. Requests for collections access should be made in advance and directed to Benjamin Kear (benjamin [dot] kear [at] em [dot] uu [dot] se). There are also a number of other collections nearby, including the Swedish Museum of Natural History (please see for details).
Travel and accommodations
Stockholm Arlanda airport has direct flights from a number of international locations (please see
1303884579.1446456507 for details). The airport is located between Uppsala and Stockholm, and is approximately 36 kilometres from the host hotel (see below). There are a variety of transportation options, including trains, buses and taxis (please see for details). Uppsala is also very close to Stockholm, so you might want to include a daytrip to see the sights in the capital of Sweden.
If you need a letter of invitation to the meeting, please contact johan [dot] lindgren [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se
Host hotel
Our host hotel is Akademihotellet. The hotel is at walking distance from the museum (approximately one kilometre). We have negotiated special room rates and all bookings must be completed by May 1 to guarantee the room rate.
- 886 SEK/night for Single room (breakfast is included)
- 1109 SEK/night for Double room (breakfast is included)
Please book your hotel accommodations through their website at
Registration and payment
Registration deadline is April 15. Student: 1250 SEK, Professional: 1750 SEK. Registration includes the meeting, reception, banquet, and abstract volume. There will be an additional 250 SEK fee for the field trip to cover coach rentals and refreshments. For details on how to pay, please visit (select “5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting”). Also, please visit and complete the registration form found at the website. If you have special requirements, please let us know as soon as possible.
We look forward to seeing you in Uppsala!
Second Circular
5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting – a global perspective on Mesozoic marine amniotes
Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
May 16–20, 2016
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting is now less than six months away and it is time to update you with some meeting details. Please pass this circular along to your colleagues and students that may have an interest in attending. We are honoured to be hosting this next meeting and look forward to the opportunity to showcase our local and regional natural history. There is also the pleasure to share our diverse research collection of marine vertebrate fossils, dating from the Late Permian through to Late Cretaceous.
Key dates
- Early registration deadline – December 31
- Abstract deadline – April 15
- Hotel bookings cut-off – May 1
- Meeting begins – May 16
- Proceedings manuscripts deadline – September 1
Schedule and meeting details
- Kick-off reception – evening of May 16
- Presentations & poster sessions – May 17, 18 and 19
- Banquet – evening of May 19
- Cultural field trip: Viking burial mounds and Linnaeus historical sites – May 20
A kick-off reception and icebreaker party will be held at the Museum of Evolution, Palaeontology and Mineralogy section, beginning at 18:30 and ending at 21:00 on May 16. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please visit the museum website for additional information (
Technical sessions
Note that the schedule is tentative – a detailed schedule of talks will be provided once all the abstracts are in.
May 17
8:30 Registration opens
10:30 Begin technical sessions
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Technical sessions and coffee break
17:00 Adjourn
May 18 and 19
9:00 Technical sessions and coffee break
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Technical sessions and coffee break
17:00 Adjourn
Oral presentations will be approximately 20 minutes in length (depending on the number of abstracts we receive) and should be provided the morning of your presentation as a Power Point file. A computer will be available, but the presenter may use their own computer if that is preferred. The projector will support a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels, so please plan accordingly. If you need other technical facilities, please email Johan Lindgren (johan [dot] lindgren [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se) to discuss your needs.
Space will be available for posters and they will be displayed for the duration of the technical sessions. Posters should not exceed 90 × 120 cm (landscape or portrait is optional). Materials for hanging posters will be available but bring personal equipment should you have special requirements. Please also be sure to indicate if you are requesting a poster or an oral presentation when you register (please see details below).
The deadline for the abstract submission is April 15 2016. An abstract volume will be compiled and available to meeting participants. Following the meeting, the abstract volume will be available as a pdf download. Abstracts are limited to a single page (A4 size) including title, author(s), author affiliations, the main body of the abstract, and references. The abstracts should be provided as Microsoft Word format, single spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, and should not include images. Titles should be capitalized, author and co-author names should be written in full, surname first, and affiliations indicated by superscript numerically. Abstract titles with authorship will be made available on the meeting website. The abstract text will be embargoed until the meeting begins. The abstracts should be submitted by email to Sven Sachs (sachs [dot] pal [at] gmail [dot] com).
Conference proceedings
There will be a symposium volume published as a special issue of the Australasian palaeontological journal Alcheringa and it is tentatively planned for 2017. Author instructions can be downloaded at
The 2016 field trip will be cultural due to a lack of Mesozoic strata in the vicinity of Uppsala and the fact that we are in ‘Viking land’ J. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are planning to attend the field trip so that we can finalise the transportation rentals. Lunch and beverages will be provided.
Collection visits
There will be an opportunity to study collections at the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, both before and after the scheduled meeting dates. The Museum of Evolution houses many historically important marine vertebrate fossils including the holotype of Eonatator sternbergi and the Svalbard collection of Triassic marine reptiles. Requests for collections access should be made in advance and directed to Benjamin Kear (benjamin [dot] kear [at] em [dot] uu [dot] se). There are also a number of other collections nearby, including the Swedish Museum of Natural History (please see for details).
Travel and accommodations
Stockholm Arlanda airport has direct flights from a number of international locations (please see for details). The airport is located between Uppsala and Stockholm, and is approximately 36 kilometres from the host hotel (see below). There are a variety of transportation options, including trains, buses and taxis (please see for details). Uppsala is also very close to Stockholm, so you might want to include a daytrip to see the sights in the capital of Sweden.
If you need a letter of invitation to the meeting, please contact johan [dot] lindgren [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se
Host hotel
Our host hotel is Akademihotellet. The hotel is at walking distance from the museum (approximately one kilometre). We have negotiated special room rates and all bookings must be completed by May 1 to guarantee the room rate.
886 SEK/night for Single room (breakfast is included)
1109 SEK/night for Double room (breakfast is included)
Please book your hotel accommodations through their website at
Registration and payment
Early registration deadline is December 31 2015. Student: 1000 SEK, Professional: 1500 SEK. After December 31 2015 fees will be: Student: 1250 SEK, Professional: 1750 SEK. Registration includes the meeting, reception, banquet, and abstract volume. There will be an additional 250 SEK fee for the field trip to cover coach rentals and refreshments. For details on how to pay, please visit (select ‘5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting’). Also, please complete the registration form. If you have special requirements, please let us know as soon as possible.
We look forward to seeing you in Uppsala!
Johan Lindgren, Lund University, email: johan [dot] lindgren [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se
Benjamin P. Kear, Uppsala University, email: benjamin [dot] kear [at] geo [dot] uu [dot] se
Sven Sachs, Naturkundemuseum Bielefeld, email: sachs [dot] pal [at] gmail [dot] com
First Circular
5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting – a global perspective on Mesozoic marine amniotes
Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
May 16–20, 2016
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the opening of registrations for the 5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting. The conference will be held at the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, May 16–20, 2016.
The first Mosasaur Meeting was held in 2004 in Maastricht, The Netherlands, and has since run triennially in 2007 in Hays, Kansas, in 2010 in Paris, France, and in 2013 in Dallas, Texas. These symposia have been unique in bringing together researchers, students and avocational palaeontologists within a forum dedicated exclusively to these magnificent fossil reptiles. However, for the forthcoming 5th Mosasaur Meeting in 2016, we will expand the event to encompass a global perspective of Mesozoic marine amniote evolution, including sauropterygians, ichthyopterygians, crocodylians, and turtles! Our intention is to foster an integration of knowledge, approaches and data amongst specialist researchers and thus instigate collaborations that will advance the field.
We are honoured to be hosting the 5th Mosasaur Meeting and hope that you can attend!
Tentative schedule of events
- Kick-off reception – evening of May 16
- Presentations & poster sessions – May 17, 18 and 19
- Banquet – evening of May 19
- Cultural field trip: Viking burial mounds and Linnaeus historical sites – May 20
Collection visits
There will be an opportunity to study collections at the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, both before and after the scheduled meeting dates. The Museum of Evolution houses many historically important marine reptile fossils including the holotype of Eonatator sternbergi and the Svalbard collection of Triassic marine vertebrates. Requests for collections access should be made in advance and directed to Benjamin Kear (benjamin [dot] kear [at] geo [dot] uu [dot] se).
The 2016 field trip will be cultural due to a lack of Mesozoic strata in the vicinity of Uppsala and the fact that we are in ‘Viking land’.
Planned publications
In keeping with past meetings, we plan to produce an abstract booklet for the meeting and will also organise publication of a special volume of papers in an appropriate peer reviewed periodical.
Registration fee
Early registration deadline is December 31 2015. Student: 1000 SEK, Professional: 1500 SEK. After December 31 2015 fees will be: Student: 1250 SEK, Professional: 1750 SEK. Registration includes the meeting, reception, banquet, and abstract volume. There will be an additional 250 SEK fee for the field trip to cover coach rentals and refreshments. For details on how to pay, please visit (select "5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting").
Travel and accommodations
Stockholm Arlanda airport has direct flights from a number of international locations. Numerous hotels and hostels are located near the campus and are comparable in price to other major European cities. Specific hotel information will be provided in the second circular this fall.
Organising committee
Please direct all questions and comments regarding the meeting to Johan Lindgren.
Hope to see you all in Uppsala next year!
Johan Lindgren, Lund University, email: johan [dot] lindgren [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se
Benjamin P. Kear, Uppsala University, email: Benjamin [dot] kear [at] geo [dot] uu [dot] se
Sven Sachs, Naturkundemuseum Bielefeld, email: sachs [dot] pal [at] gmail [dot] com