Prices and sample submission
Basic price
The basic price is 3900 SEK (excl. VAT) for one normal 14C-dating. This price applies to all sample materials.
Additional prices
Pre-treatment of certain sample materials involves additional costs. If in doubt about the total cost for your sample material, consult the laboratory.
- Extraction of collagen (necessary for bones and teeth): 600 SEK
- Ultrafiltration of extracted collagen (recommended for bones and teeth that are poorly preserved or very old): 600 SEK
- Isolation of bio-apatite (necessary for burnt bones): 600 SEK
- Extraction of base-soluble fraction (necessary for sediments and soils of low organic content): 600 SEK
Extra services
• 13C analysis: 600 SEK
• High precision: 2200 SEK (only for samples >10 mg)
• Fast handling: 2200 SEK
• Small samples (<0.5 mg C): 2200 SEK
13C analysis may be interesting in some situations, and then usually for samples of (not burnt) bone, but is not necessary for 14C dating as fractionation correction is done in the measurement process. 13C analysis of collagen extracted from bone includes determination of d13C, d15N and C/N ratio.
Internal prices
Separate prices apply to customers within Lund University. Contact the laboratory for information about these prices.
A discount of 10% applies when a customer, at the same time, submits 10 or more samples. Further discounts apply when large numbers of samples are submitted at the same time. Contact the laboratory for more information about our discounts.
Reporting time
At present (January 2025) it takes c. 3 months (excluding periods when the laboratory is closed for holidays) from the arrival of a sample until we report the result to the customer. This applies to samples of normal size, and the time varies depending on the type of material. Reporting time for fast handling is maximum 6 weeks but normally 3-4 weeks.
All samples submitted for dating must be accompanied by a sample description form (doc, new tab).
Objects of cultural heritage
The Laboratory complies with the UNESCO convention on trade with objects of cultural heritage. The following documentation and declarations are required for dating of objects of cultural heritage (art objects, antiquities etc.):
- Photograph of the object
- Declaration of ownership
- Documentation of origin (country of origin and provenance)
- Authenticity declaration for the submitted sample
Contact the Laboratory for further information and forms regarding objects of cultural heritage.
Customer inquiries and sample submission
Customer inquiries, geological and archaeological samples
Associate professor Mats Rundgren
+46 46 222 7856
c14 [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se
Customer inquiries, active samples, aerosol samples
Associate professor Kristina Stenström
+46 46 222 7643
Kristina [dot] Stenstrom [at] nuclear [dot] lu [dot] se (Kristina[dot]Stenstrom[at]nuclear[dot]lu[dot]se)
Sample description form
All samples submitted for dating must be accompanied by a sample description form.