Sample submission
OSL and IRSL dating can be done at the Lund Luminescence Laboratory. For further information incl. pricing and research collaboration, please contact Helena Alexanderson. Sample submission should only be done after prior agreement with the lab; our capacity, particularly for large sample batches, is unfortunately limited. We can also provide advice on sampling, and sample tubes can be borrowed if needed. To make sure the analyses will be as good as possible, you must provide the necessary data for each sample on the sample submission form.
Send samples to:Prof. Helena Alexanderson
Department of Geology
Lund University
Sölvegatan 12
223 62 Lund
Phone: +46 46 222 4483
E-mail: helena [dot] alexanderson [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se
Laboratory staff
Helena Alexanderson
Head of laboratory, professor
Contact for general questions and geological dating
Amber Hood
Researcher, PhD
Contact for archaeological dating
Zoran Perić
Research engineer, PhD
Joel Grönberg
MSc student
Active associates/alumni
Alastair Goodship
Dileepa Ekanayake
Dr Edyta Kalinska
Cathal Ryan