Since 2017, I am employed as researcher at the Department of Geology, Lund University, and my field of excellence is in dendrochronology (tree-ring research), peatland development, long-term (hydro)climatology, and quaternary sciences. In my research, I have been using growth patterns of trees to study and date large-scale climate changes, hydrological shifts in peatlands, avalanches, historical buildings, archaeological artefacts, and 17th century Flemish art. One of the primary aims of my on-going research is to study what effects tree colonization in peatlands have on hydrology, vegetation, and carbon sequestration in such ecosystems. To answer my research questions, I’ll use data generated from living and subfossil peatland trees, as well as approaches including laser ablation spot analysis (LA-ICP-MS) and stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ18O). I will also perform field studies of changes in moisture content in peat soils representing different tree coverage, compile and analyse data from an existing network of sites where changes in peatland water tables, tree growth, and carbon fluxes have been monitored, and use examine tree growth responses to environmental changes and the on-going tree colonization.
My research has mainly been financed through grant from FORMAS, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, the Swedish Research Council(VR), BECC, the Royal Physiographic Society and Crafoord Foundation.
I am also associate editor at the journal Dendrochronologia
You are welcome to follow me at Facebook or Twitter: @DendroLund
Projects and collaborations
MOSS - Management strategies for tree colonized peatland ecOSyStems (2021 – 2024)
Peatlands and forests are key elements when it comes to meet several challenges outlined in the UN climate and sustainable development goals. In recent years, land-use and climate changes have facilitated for an accelerating tree colonization at many peatlands, which in turn has negative effects on biodiversity, hydrology, carbon sequestration and thereby climate. In the MOSS project we (1) use monitoring techniques and tree-ring analysis (dendrochronology) to study tree colonization, tree growth and tree mortality as well as links and feedbacks between the trees and the hydrology on natural, ditched and rewetted peatlands, (2) in a greenhouse study survival and biomass production for pine saplings and mosses growing under different hydrological conditions, and (3) use existing vegetation models to provide reliable projections of peatland ecosystem responses in the context of various climate and management scenarios. Based on our observations we aim to formulate recommendations and directives on how peatlands should be preserved or restored given different tree coverage and hydrological histories. We cooperate with stakeholders operating peatland restoration projects, which enables direct implementation of our hypothesis and results in restoration programs to maximize the social benefits of the project in terms of sustainable management.
Old Wood in a New Light (2021 - 2024)
The project, which is based on collaboration with Humlab in Umeå and dendrochronology laboratories at three other Swedish universities. The purpose is to digitise and make publically available data from more than 40,000 analysed and age determined wood samples and their associated information on cultural history, climate and environment over thousands of years. The infrastructure SEAD (Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database) will be applied and prepared for data from new approaches, among others as performed at the research infrastructure MAX IV, and later also ESS.
ECHoES (Effects of tree Colonization on Hydrology and carbon sequestration in peatland EcoSystems)
ECHoES is a multidisciplinary project in which links and feedbacks between tree colonization, hydrology and carbon sequestration in peatland ecosystems are studied. In the ECHoES project long-term (multi-millennial) and ongoing processes linking peatland tree colonization – hydrology – carbon sequestration and climate are studied. We also use ecosystem models to predict what impact ongoing and future tree colonization on peatlands may have on the hydrology and carbon sequestration in the peatland ecosystems, which in turn has a significant impact on the global carbon cycle.
Black Oak
Since the 1970s, black oaks excavated from South Swedish and Danish peatlands have been analysed. The result has become a large number of oak chronologies of varying length and age. The material consists of over 1000 oak samples from trees that died for between 1000 and 8000 years ago. However, there are still several periods that we lack dated oak material from. As a result, it is not possible to create a continuous 8000-year long oak chronology. The purpose of the Black Oak project is to find new material that can bridge these gaps. At present, we are sampling new material from South Swedish peatlands, but are also looking for material in museum collections. Private persons who own black oak samples are of course also welcome to contact us. We can maybe date your oak samples and use the tree-ring data for studies of climate of the past.
Blue Archaeology
Blue Archaeology is a multi-disciplinary project assembling the cultural and natural heritage of submerged Stone-Age Seascapes, foremost along the eastern coast of Sweden.
BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate)
BECC is a collaboration between Lund University and University of Gothenburg. It is a strategic research area that strives for a better understanding of the impacts of climate change and land use decisions on terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity. Since 2017, I am principal investigator (PI) within the research groups encompassed by BECC.
Jordaens, Van Dyck, Panel Paintings Project (JVDPPP)
The JVDPPP is an innovative art historical initiative, which among many research methods use tree-ring studies of c. 300 Flemish 17th century paintings to investigate collaborations between the Flemish masters J. Jordaens and Sir. A. Van Dyck. In this project, I work as a consultant dendrochronologist with art researcher at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium and University of Amsterdam.
Swiss Tree-Ring Laboratory
Between 2013 and 2016, I had a 3-year postdoctoral employment at the Swiss Tree-Ring Laboratory (dendrolab.ch). I was working in an international and interdisciplinary project named CLIMPEAT and still have on-going collaborations with several researchers at the Swiss Tree-Ring Laboratory.
CLIMPEAT (2013 - 2016)
The CLIMPEAT-project was an international and interdisciplinary Swiss-Lithuanian research collaboration aiming to explore the interconnections and interdependencies of peatlands ecosystems with climate (change), anthropogenic activity and sequestered carbon. In this project, I have close collaborations with researchers at the Swiss Tree-Ring Laboratory, Nature Research Centre (Vilnius), and Vilnius University.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Variable associations of annual biomass increment with age, latitude and germination year in four tree species in Sweden
Anders Forsman, Jonatan Isaksson, Markus Franzén, Johannes Edvardsson
(2024) Trees, Forests and People, 18
Journal articleExploring the potential for a 9000-year tree-ring chronology consisting of subfossil oak material from southern Scandinavia
Johannes Edvardsson, Kjeld Christensen, Jonas Ogdal Jensen, Hans Linderson, Claudia Baittinger
(2024) Dendrochronologia, 88
Journal articleTimber trade in 17th-century Europe : different wood sources for artworks of Flemish painters
Andrea Seim, Johannes Edvardsson, Aoife Daly, Pascale Fraiture, Ian Tyers, et al.
(2024) Scientific Reports, 14
Journal articleDendrochronology with a medical X-ray photon counting computed tomography scanner
Håkan Geijer, Fleury Ndongozi, Johannes Edvardsson
(2024) Dendrochronologia, 86
Journal articleThe timing of wood formation in peatland trees as obtained with different approaches
L. Francon, J. Edvardsson, C. Corona, M. Stoffel
(2024) Dendrochronologia, 85
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av kistan till Dannikekvinnan funnen i Rydets mosse, sydost Borås
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2024) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportWater level impact on pine seedlings in greenhouse conditions : assessing growth and survival potential in ditched and managed peatlands
Johannes Edvardsson, Anna Lund, Anna Levinsson
(2024) Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 39 p.199-210
Journal articleBoreal forest tree growth and sap flow after a low-severity wildfire
Paulina Dukat, Julia Kelly, Stefan Doerr, Johannes Edvardsson, Teemu S. Hölttä, et al.
(2024) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 347
Journal articleRelation Between Success Rate and Sample Quantity in Dendrochronological Dating of Building Materials
Johannes Edvardsson, Anton Hansson, Hans Linderson
(2023) International Journal of Architectural Heritage
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av ekpannåer
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2023) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av 25 svenska ekbestånd
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2023) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Funderset myr, Södra Rörum och Fulltofta, Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2023) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk och kol14 analys av subrecent ek från Wennerbergsbron över ån Lidan
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2023) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportOld Wood in a New Light: An Online Dendrochronological Database
Johannes Edvardsson, Anton Hansson, Mattias Sjölander, Johan von Boer, Philip Buckland, et al.
(2022) International Journal of Wood Culture , p.1-22
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från fastighet 67:1, Sösdala, Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2022) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportA statistical model for the prediction of the number of sapwood rings in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Johannes Edvardsson, Kári Rögnvaldsson, Elín Þóra Helgadóttir, Hans Linderson, Birgir Hrafnkelsson
(2022) Dendrochronologia, 74
Journal articleEstimation of recent peat accumulation with tree saplings
Juan Antonio Ballesteros-Cánovas, Johannes Edvardsson, Christophe Corona, Jonas Mažeika, Markus Stoffel
(2022) Progress in Physical Geography, 46 p.515-529
Journal articleThe Integrated Use of Dendrochronological Data and Paleoecological Records From Northwest European Peatlands and Lakes for Understanding Long-Term Ecological and Climatic Changes—A Review
Johannes Edvardsson, Samuli Helama, Mats Rundgren, Anne Birgitte Nielsen
(2022) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10
Journal article reviewThe 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests
Roberto L. Salomón, Johannes Edvardsson, Kathy Steppe
(2022) Nat. Commun., 13
Journal articleTo organize a conference under ever-changing conditions - Editorial to the special issue from the TRACE 2021 virtual meeting
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans W. Linderholm, Björn Gunnarson, Anton Hansson, Tzu Tung Chen, et al.
(2022) Dendrochronologia, 76
Journal article (comment)Dendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Blidsberg och Holsbybrunn
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Ljungbyhed, Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Kölingared socken, Ulricehamn
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Halland
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Västra Götaland
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Fulltofta, Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Holgers mosse, Kråkered, Borås
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of church organ in Torrlösa, Skåne, Sweden
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportHow Cultural Heritage Studies Based on Dendrochronology Can Be Improved through Two-Way Communication
Johannes Edvardsson, Gunnar Almevik, Linda Lindblad, Hans Linderson, Karl-Magnus Melin
(2021) Forests, 12
Journal articleEarly Holocene bark-stripping damages as an indicator of large herbivores: Evidence from a submerged Mesolithic landscape in the Haväng area, southern Baltic basin
Johannes Edvardsson, Ola Magnell, Anton Hansson, Hans Linderson, Arne Sjöström, et al.
(2021) The Holocene, 31 p.1670-1680
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Holgers mosse, Kråkered, Borås
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2021) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportThe rediscovery of an Adoration of the Shepherds by Jacques Jordaens: : a multidisciplinary approach combining dendroarchaeology and art history
Johannes Edvardsson, Andrea Seim, Justin Davies, Joost Vander Auwera
(2021) Heritage Science, 9
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av bottenram till brunn funna vid arkeologisk utgrävning på Yngsjö 4:251, Åhus
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2020) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportSynchronous growth releases in peatland pine chronologies as an indicator for regional climate dynamics-a multi-site study including estonia, Belarus and Sweden
Aleksei Potapov, Sandra Toomik, Maxim Yermokhin, Johannes Edvardsson, Ando Lilleleht, et al.
(2019) Forests, 10
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av predellans virke i domkyrkan i Lund genom fotoanalys
Hans Linderson, Anton Hansson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2019) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Kleva-Törestorp, Falköpings kommun
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2019) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek från Fulltofta i Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2019) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportCombining multiple proxies to investigate water table fluctuations in wetlands : A case study from the Rėkyva wetland complex, Lithuania
Julius Taminskas, Johannes Edvardsson, Rita Linkevičienė, Markus Stoffel, Christophe Corona, et al.
(2019) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 514 p.453-463
Journal articleScots pine radial growth response to climate and future projections at peat and mineral soils in the boreo-nemoral zone
Egidijus Rimkus, Johannes Edvardsson, Justas Kažys, Rūtilė Pukienė, Simona Lukošiūnaitė, et al.
(2019) Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 136 p.639-650
Journal articleA multi-proxy reconstruction of moisture dynamics in a peatland ecosystem : A case study from Čepkeliai, Lithuania
Johannes Edvardsson, Ieva Baužienė, Mariusz Lamentowicz, Rasa Šimanauskienė, Marija Tamkevičiūtė, et al.
(2019) Ecological Indicators, 106
Journal articleHolocene vegetation and hydroclimatic dynamics in SE Lithuania - Implications from a multi-proxy study of the Čepkeliai bog
Migle Stančikaite, Laura Gedminiene, Johannes Edvardsson, Markus Stoffel, Christophe Corona, et al.
(2019) Quaternary International, 501 p.219-239
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek på Torup 1:7 norra Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2018) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecenta ekar på Möllevången, Farstorp, nordvästra Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2018) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av subrecent ek i Bolmenområdet, västra Småland
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2018) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportLate-Holocene vegetation dynamics in response to a changing climate and anthropogenic influences – Insights from stratigraphic records and subfossil trees from southeast Lithuania
Johannes Edvardsson, Miglė Stančikaitė, Yannick Miras, Christophe Corona, Gražyna Gryguc, et al.
(2018) Quaternary Science Reviews, 185 p.91-101
Journal articleScots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) based reconstruction of 130 years of water table fluctuations in a peatland and its relevance for moisture variability assessments
Marija Tamkevičiūtė, Johannes Edvardsson, Rūtilė Pukienė, Julius Taminskas, Markus Stoffel, et al.
(2018) Journal of Hydrology, 558 p.509-519
Journal articleRereading a tree-ring database to illustrate depositional histories of subfossil trees
Samuli Helama, Tomi P. Luoto, Liisa Nevalainen, Johannes Edvardsson
(2017) Palaeontologia Electronica, 20 p.1-12
Journal articleImpacts of regional climatic fluctuations on radial growth of Siberian and Scots pine at Mukhrino mire (central-western Siberia)
Guillaume Blanchet, Sébastien Guillet, Baptiste Calliari, Christophe Corona, Johannes Edvardsson, et al.
(2017) Science of the Total Environment, 574 p.1209-1216
Journal articleSubfossil peatland trees as proxies for Holocene palaeohydrology and palaeoclimate
Johannes Edvardsson, Markus Stoffel, Christophe Corona, Luca Bragazza, Hanns Hubert Leuschner, et al.
(2016) Earth-Science Reviews, 163 p.118-140
Journal articleMid- to Late Holocene climate transition and moisture dynamics inferred from South Swedish tree-ring data
Johannes Edvardsson
(2016) Journal of Quaternary Science, 31 p.254-256
Journal articlePeriodicities in mid- to late-Holocene peatland hydrology identified from Swedish and Lithuanian tree-ring data
Johannes Edvardsson, Florian Adolphi, Hans W. Linderholm, Christophe Corona, Raimund Muscheler, et al.
(2016) Quaternary Science Reviews, 137 p.200-208
Journal articleRecent advances in long-term climate and moisture reconstructions from the Baltic region: Exploring the potential for a new multi- millennial tree-ring chronology
Johannes Edvardsson, Christophe Corona, Jonas Mazeika, Rutile Pukiene, Markus Stoffel
(2016) Quaternary Science Reviews, 131 p.118-126
Journal articleCLIMPEAT : Climate and hydrology over the last 10,000 years – A story told by peat, pollen, and tree rings
Johannes Edvardsson, Markus Stoffel, Christophe Corona
(2016) Peatlands International, 2015 p.32-35
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av prover från arkeologiska projektet Motala, Strandvägen
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2015) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportExploring the impact of regional climate and local hydrology on Pinus sylvestris L. growth variability – A comparison between pine populations growing on peat soils and mineral soils in Lithuania
Johannes Edvardsson, Egidius Rimkus, Christophe Corona, Rasa Šimanauskienė, Justas Kazys, et al.
(2015) Plant and Soil, 392 p.345-356
Journal articleIncreased tree establishment in Lithuanian peat bogs — Insights from field and remotely sensed approaches
Johannes Edvardsson, Rasa Šimanauskienė, Julius Taminskas, Ieva Baužienė, Markus Stoffel
(2015) Science of the Total Environment, 505 p.113-120
Journal articleMultiannual hydrological responses in Scots pine radial growth within raised bogs in southern Sweden
Johannes Edvardsson, Anders Hansson
(2015) Silva Fennica, 49 p.1354-1354
Journal articleExploring climate forcing of growth depression in subfossil South Swedish bog pines using stable isotopes
Johannes Edvardsson, Thomas W. D. Edwards, Hans Linderson, Dan Hammarlund
(2014) Dendrochronologia, 32 p.55-61
Journal articleLate-Holocene expansion of a south Swedish peatland and its impact on marginal ecosystems: Evidence from dendrochronology, peat stratigraphy and palaeobotanical data
Johannes Edvardsson, Anneli Poska, Nathalie Van der Putten, Mats Rundgren, Hans Linderson, et al.
(2014) The Holocene, 24 p.466-476
Journal articlePast forest composition, structures and processes – How paleoecology can contribute to forest conservation
Matts Lindbladh, Shawn Fraver, Johannes Edvardsson, Adam Felton
(2013) Biological Conservation, 168 p.116-127
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av rustbädden under kyrkan i Nya Lödöse, RAÄ nr 218, Göteborg
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2013) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Rådhuspladsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2013) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportHolocene climate change and peatland dynamics in southern Sweden based on tree-ring analysis of subfossil wood from peat deposits
Johannes Edvardsson
(2013) Lundqua thesis
DissertationDendrokronologisk analys av prover från arkeologiska undersökningar i Nya Lödöse, GC-tunneln, Göteborg, projekt nr 1221
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av skeppstimmer från Sternö, Karlshamn
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological samples from Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen in Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av fotomontage på sex rotebrädor (trobrädor) i Kyrkås gamla kyrka i Jämtland
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av ett fåtal prover från Nattmar och Näs kyrkor i Jämtland
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av ett stocklag från arkeologiska undersökningar i Karlstad, Värmland
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av prover från arkeologiska undersökningar i Nya Lödöse, Gamlestaden, Göteborgs kommun
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av prov från Åkroken 4 i Nyköping
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Gammel Strand, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportWood anatomy and dendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), Fase 45B, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv and Gammel strand (KBM 3829), Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av prover från loge, Gamla byvägen 32, Yngsjö, Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), fase 2+3, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), fase 45A, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportWood anatomy and dendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), fase 5B-2, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), fase 4B, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), trench 24, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), fase 5B-1, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), fase 6, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hans Linderson, Johannes Edvardsson
(2012) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportHolocene peatland development and hydrological variability inferred from bog-pine dendrochronology and peat stratigraphy - a case study from southern Sweden
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson, Mats Rundgren, Dan Hammarlund
(2012) Journal of Quaternary Science, 27 p.553-563
Journal articleSouth Swedish bog pines as indicators of Mid-Holocene climate variability
Johannes Edvardsson, Hanns Hubert Leuschner, Hans Linderson, Hans W. Linderholm, Dan Hammarlund
(2012) Dendrochronologia, 30 p.93-103
Journal articleDendrokronologisk analys av material från kv. Bokbindaren i Linköping
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2011) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av flera delobjekt från den arkeologiska utgrävningen vid Åkroken 3, Nyköping
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2011) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av bok och ek från Möns klint, Danmark
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2010) Dendrorapporter i Lund
ReportDendrokronologisk analys av Öradekaren vid Haväng, Verkeån, östra Skåne
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson
(2010) Dendrorapporter i Lund