Helena Alexanderson
Coupled luminescence and cosmogenic nuclide dating of postglacial deflation surfaces and sand drift on a raised ice-contact delta at Veinge, SW Sweden
Summary, in English
Wind-abraded cobbles (ventifacts) and aeolian sand are known from the sandy-gravelly coastal areas of south-western Sweden, especially in association with raised deltas. Ventifacts are recorded on at least two different stratigraphic levels, at some sites atop glaciofluvial sediment, at other sites atop littoral deposits, and in some places at both levels, while aeolian sand usually forms a surficial cover. The formation of ventifacts has usually been coupled to abrasion due to katabatic winds from the retreating ice sheet or with periglacial climate during the Younger Dryas stadial (12.8–11.7 ka).
To determine the timing of these deflation events, we have applied a combination of dating methods to ventifacts and associated sediments on top of an ice-contact delta at Veinge, south-western Sweden. Quartz and feldspar luminescence dating as well as portable luminescence profiling has been used for littoral and aeolian sediments over- and underlying deflation surfaces, while rock surface luminescence burial dating and paired 14C–10Be cosmogenic nuclide dating were conducted on ventifacts. The results show that a first deflation event occurred c. 16.5 ka, just after deglaciation and prior to a regional transgression that peaked around 15.7 ka. At 12.4–11.4 ka, during the Younger Dryas stadial, a new set of ventifacts formed on the surface of the exposed littoral sands and gravels. Some wind abrasion also occurred in the early Holocene, but at c. 8.5 ka the surface was covered by aeolian sand, up to 2.5 m thick.
The combination of different dating methods have allowed us to draw more informed conclusions on the timing and duration of these wind abrasion/transport events than would have been possible from the use of only single-method dating. It has also made it possible to infer some environmental conditions during deposition. For example, both glaciofluvial and littoral deposits show evidence of incomplete bleaching of the luminescence signal. This suggests short subaerial transport and brief reworking by waves, respectively, though bleaching conditions improved during shore regression. Rock surface burial luminescence profiles reveal that some ventifacts were repeatedly exposed, but that later event(s) were shorter in duration as indicated by quartz-feldspar age comparisons.
To determine the timing of these deflation events, we have applied a combination of dating methods to ventifacts and associated sediments on top of an ice-contact delta at Veinge, south-western Sweden. Quartz and feldspar luminescence dating as well as portable luminescence profiling has been used for littoral and aeolian sediments over- and underlying deflation surfaces, while rock surface luminescence burial dating and paired 14C–10Be cosmogenic nuclide dating were conducted on ventifacts. The results show that a first deflation event occurred c. 16.5 ka, just after deglaciation and prior to a regional transgression that peaked around 15.7 ka. At 12.4–11.4 ka, during the Younger Dryas stadial, a new set of ventifacts formed on the surface of the exposed littoral sands and gravels. Some wind abrasion also occurred in the early Holocene, but at c. 8.5 ka the surface was covered by aeolian sand, up to 2.5 m thick.
The combination of different dating methods have allowed us to draw more informed conclusions on the timing and duration of these wind abrasion/transport events than would have been possible from the use of only single-method dating. It has also made it possible to infer some environmental conditions during deposition. For example, both glaciofluvial and littoral deposits show evidence of incomplete bleaching of the luminescence signal. This suggests short subaerial transport and brief reworking by waves, respectively, though bleaching conditions improved during shore regression. Rock surface burial luminescence profiles reveal that some ventifacts were repeatedly exposed, but that later event(s) were shorter in duration as indicated by quartz-feldspar age comparisons.
- Quaternary Sciences
Publishing year
Quaternary Geochronology
Document type
Journal article
- Geology
- Aeolian records
- ISSN: 1871-1014